Just a few more days left till Santa comes down that chimney to battle The Krampus, who's been standing outside your door with a switch and a burlap sack. If all goes well and Santa proves the victor, why not leave him something other than milk and cookies. This holiday snack mix is salty, fattening, spicy and everything nice to keep the fat-man fat and warm as he crosses the stars!

Here are the ingredients:
Makes two batches
1 box Chex corn
1 box Chex wheat
1 box Chex rice
1 box Cheez Its
2 bags bagel chips
3 bags Bugles
1 bags Pretzel Thins
6 sticks butter
1 20oz bottle Worcestershire sauce
1 bottle Bela Lugosi's Dead Hot Sauce
Garlic Powder
Preheat oven to 250 degrees
Mix all the dry ingredients in a large baking pan
Melt your sticks of butter in a large bowl
Mix Bela Lugosi's Dead Hot Sauce and Worcestershire Sauce in with the melted butter
With a large rubber spatula pour the butter mixture over the top of the dry ingredients and fold the butter in. You can start to use your hands to ensure all dry bits are coated.
Add salt and garlic powder to taste, making sure you are mixing everything. I like to sprinkle a little at a time and then toss the mixture.
Once you have thoroughly mixed all your ingredients, place in over and set timer for 30 minutes.
Stir after 30 minutes and place back in the oven for another 30 minutes.
Keep stirring every 30 minutes until desired crispiness and it is hot.
Allow to cool to a warm temperate and enjoy!